Note, we are not licensed mental health professionals, if you are needing help dealing with a mental health issue please contact the appropriate licensed professional. If you believe you or someone you know are in imminent danger please dial 911. While the resources on this page are for reference and we strive to only provide reputable sources on our page, we can not guarantee the quality of these third parties. Some links may be part of an affiliate program and we may therefore get a small percentage of any purchase or subscription made through those links. That being said, if you find or have negative experiences with any of the links please let us know so that we can continue to evaluate the resources we provide on our page.
Mental Health Provider Lookup
Psychology Today
Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Lookup Cigna Provider Lookup United Healthcare Provider Lookup Online Counseling
Coming Soon
Suicide Prevention HotlinesSuicide Prevention Lifeline - Phone: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Phone: 988 Coaching